Doublin Gap MX
Doublin Gap MX Park was started in 1995 by Rod and Jeff Yentzer who have both been involved in Motocross Racing for thirty five plus years. We take pride in giving you a safe and fun track to ride on. We offer Motocross Racing Events and Open Practice. We do have a Doublin Gap Series where Riders can be awarded at the end of the year with Doublin Gap Jackets and also prizes for Perfect Attendance for the series!! We have available several viewing towers, a playground area, smalll bmx track to ride on, 50 track, and hapel Service on Race Days Concession Stand, small beginner track for those just starting out in motocross, competent scorers, Transponder Scoring where you can get your lap times, and Kiosik Sign-In for quick race registration. We have hosted LL Qualifiers and Regionals, MDRA Races, MAMA, District 6 Henrietta Classic Series, and PAMX Races. We are a memberof our local District 6 and the AMA. We ask that you please let us know if there are areas that you feel need improvement and we will make every effort to improve those areas. We are there for you and we want all of you to enjoy your time at our Motocross Park!!